Project ETHOS is a free-to-play, 3rd person, roguelike hero shooter in development.
A ROGUELIKE HERO SHOOTER: Shape your playstyle every match through Evolutions, powerful, semi-randomized, upgrades unique to each hero.
SIGNATURE EXTRACTION MODE: Drop into Trials, an on-going, persistent fight to collect cores, extract, and unlock powerful Augments which fuel your future Trials runs.
BUILD YOUR PERFECT RUN, OR DIE TRYING: Discover new levels of mastery across every run as you take on the competition with new abilities, stakes, and challenges that change every match.
Did you miss our first Community Playtest? No worries, there will be more opportunities to try out Project ETHOS. Sign up for a chance to play in future playtests.

We’re excited to bring you along on our development journey. Follow 31st Union on social and join the official Project ETHOS Discord for the latest news, updates, and to share your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas will help us shape the future of the game.

Ready to shape the future of gaming? We’re looking for talented individuals to join our team in both the San Francisco Bay Area and Valencia, Spain. Immerse yourself in a fantastic culture, enjoy top-tier benefits, and help us develop Project ETHOS!