31st Union


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Spring is a time of transformation and renewal. Just as the flowers begin to bloom after a long winter, we too can experience growth and change in our own lives. At 31st Union, we strive to reach our fullest potential and make time to Live Our Dreams both professionally and personally. We challenge ourselves and champion each other to try new things.

This month, we introduce you to Thierry Doizon, one of our inspiring Art Directors. Based in Valencia, Spain, Thierry is an example of someone who has created an interesting life by prioritizing living his dreams. He shares his journey below. Welcome, Thierry!


What inspired you to go into video game development?

Funny story. I was in France in the summer of 1995, after graduating from an Erasmus exchange program in the UK and in the process of preparing a portfolio to go to a film school in Canada. Then I received a phone call from a friend asking me to interview in Paris for a videogame company. At the time I did not know much about this field except for Alone in the Dark and classic arcade games like Virtua Fighter 2. I wasn’t interested in videogames to be honest. However, when I saw Atlantis: The Lost Tales being developed at Cryo Interactive, it was a shock! The cinematics and rendering were incredible and really changed my perspective.

Anyway, I accepted their offer and never looked back.

What surprised you about video game development?

As a matter of fact, working on Tron Legacy and a few movie pitches made me understand the major differences in visual development between these two fields. In both cases, it is all about teamwork. But in video games it is more of a horizontal production organization rather than an old pyramid structure. It is not entirely driven by institutions, lobbies and guilds. There are some similarities, of course, but anyone in a video game production team could have an impact on the development process. You can give feedback to the script writers, reach out to the producers and creative directors to discuss changes, test the game, improve workflows and be proactive on the floor. This does not happen often in cinema, unfortunately; it’s a very compartmentalized hierarchy.

The thing that I love the most as a concept designer and art director is the constant problem solving. The industry is very young and pushes the limits of technology every day. We must keep up all the time and adapt to new challenges. It is, in my opinion, the most interesting and complete medium to share stories!

How have video games influenced your life?

Video games changed my initial life goals (in a good way). They gave me the opportunity to travel the world, to experience living in many countries and meet amazing people along the way. And it is a fun job. Let’s be honest we are paid to create and play games. 😊

Are there any current trends in gaming that you find exciting or inspiring?

The most original and interesting games are often found in the Indie scene, so I keep an eye there. I am particularly excited by VR/AR possibilities, and how the AI lurking in the shadows is going to affect us all.

Which of our Studio Values most resonates with you?

LIVE YOUR DREAMS because, well, that’s what I am doing.

What is your favorite video game? What do you love about it?

The Zelda series, for its quintessential RPG experience. Inside, because it is the most beautifully bizarre game (IMO, of course), and Psychonauts 2, because it’s brainy fun and I love Tim Schafer games.


We are seeking passionate and talented collaborators to join our team! If you’d like to hear more about our studio, the team, and the opportunity to help shape our culture and creative vision, please connect with us at https://www.linkedin.com/company/31st-union-official/