31st Union


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At 31st Union, we value diversity and inclusivity in our studio and in our game. We have a cornerstone commitment to building a studio renowned for hiring women and other underrepresented peoples into leadership roles throughout our company and in the game development industry. Our unique studio model also allows for each team member to have a voice in the development of our game.

Introducing Lori Jo Sanders!

We are proud to introduce Lori Jo “LJ” Sanders, as one of our newest development leaders at 31st Union. As Operations Manager, Lori Jo brings her passion for organizational leadership to our team. We are thrilled to have her co-design a seamless, effective and inspired studio environment.



What footprint do you hope to place at the studio and in the industry?

I have a sincere passion for encouraging others to feel valued. I want to create an environment where my team feels inspired, just like they inspire me. It is my goal to implement organizational standards that will set our studio apart from others in the industry, while delivering a culture that fosters trust, inclusivity and joy in the workplace.

What makes you excited about working with this new studio?

I am most excited about working with this dynamic and talented team. It is very motivating being part of a leadership team that allows me to help form our culture and to truly create an environment that ensures quality, efficiency, and well-being.

What does an inclusive studio look like to you?

In an inclusive studio, everyone feels appreciated and respected. No matter the gender, religion, opinion, ethnicity, or age … everyone has a voice and they trust that their voice will be heard and incorporated. It takes a team of diverse people with various backgrounds encouraging each other to achieve something amazing for fans!

New Framework for Building Studio Culture

We have designed an innovative framework for developing and reinforcing our values as a growing studio. During these first months, our team is digging deep into our first primary core value statement: Trust Matters Most. Research shows that a company built on trust –which incorporates candid communication, inclusivity, and empathy-- is the most important factor contributing to a team’s success.  Trust fosters psychological safety, deeper understanding, joy, and the willingness to take risks. Together with the team, Suzanne Lettrick and Lori Jo Sanders are leading the way to create a sustainable culture of trust.

Join our team!

We are seeking passionate and talented collaborators to join our team! If you’d like to hear more about our studio, the team, and the opportunity to help shape our culture and creative vision, please connect with us at https://www.linkedin.com/company/31st-union-official/